Session Six: Communication

In this session, we’ll explore:

  • What is prayer?

  • What is prayer for?

  • Why do we need to read the Bible?

‘Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue; God's voice is its most essential part. Listening to God's voice is the secret of the assurance that he will listen to mine.’

Andrew Murray

1. Reflect

What do you think prayer is about? What is it for? What do your prayers look like?

2. Read

  1. Read Matthew 6:1-18 (New Living Translation).

    What do you think Jesus is speaking against in verses 1–8?

  2. What does Jesus understand prayer to be about?

  3. Verses 9-13 form the basis of what we call the Lord’s Prayer. What are the different elements contained in these verses? Why do you think that Jesus includes them as essentials?

  4. Assuming that this is meant to be a pattern rather than something to recite, how do you think that Jesus wants prayer to be like for us?

  5. If we are meant to pray in secret, is it right to encourage people to pray aloud in church?

  6. Now read 2 Timothy 3:14-17 (New Living Translation).

    Why do we need to read the Bible?

  7. If scripture is God-breathed what does that tells us about its importance?

  8. How does the Bible train us?

Need help? Here are some hints…

1. Your spiritual life is not conducted to show people how great you are.. It’s about building a relationship with Jesus.

2–3. If you find this difficult please speak to your mentor (and if you haven’t got a mentor speak to Gustavo, John, Graham or one of the Elders about finding one).

4, There are lots of prayers that people have written but if prayer is about building a relationship with God it needs ot come form our hearts and be about the things we actually care about.

5. Speaking out loud helps us to structure our thoughts and praying aloud is an encouragement to others. As long as we are authentic in what we are saying and not doing it for effect, it is a good thing.

6. The Bible is the record of God dealing with humans. It is the truth that we need to understand our lives and how to live.

7. The Bible is not just a book, the Holy Spirit inspired its writers to record events that teach us who God is, how He works, and what He wants for us.

‘The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible. ’

D.L. Moody

3. Act

Have you developed the habit of spending time in prayer and Bible study? If so what helps you and if not what stops you?

How can you encourage each other?

Many people find it helpful to keep a journal in which they write down on one page any thoughts or questions that arise from the Bible passage that they are reading; and on the opposite page the people and situations that they are praying for. This helps them to keep track of what God is saying to them and how their prayers are being answered.

4. Pray

  • Pray for the people on your list

  • Pray about the things that you have learned in this session

  • Pray about anything significant that is happening in your life (either for yourself or someone else)

John Walford

John Walford is the Senior Minister at Bishop’s Stortford Baptist Church.


Session Five: Worship