Session Two: What is the Kingdom?

In this session, we’ll explore:

  • What is the Kingdom of God?

  • What does belonging to it mean for us?

  • How does it change our lives?

‘The seeking of the kingdom of God is the chief business of the Christian life’

Jonathan Edwards

1. Reflect

When you think of a kingdom what comes into your mind? Is it good or bad?

2. Read

Colossians 1:9–14 (New Living Translation)

  1. What does this tell us about what it means to belong to the Kingdom of God?

  2. Below are some passages of scripture that tell us about the Kingdom of God. What picture of the Kingdom of God do you get from these passages?

    There are a lot to look at – why not take one a day and reflect on what they are saying?

    Luke 1:28-33

    Mark 1:14-20

    Matthew 6:7-15

    Luke 17:20-21

    Mark 4:30-32

    Matthew 13:44-46 (Matthew uses the expression Kingdom of Heaven instead of Kingdom of God)

    Romans 14:17-18

    Isaiah 2:2-4

    Isaiah 9:6-7

    Daniel 7:27

    Revelation 21:1-4

    1 Peter 1:9-10

‘Greatness in the Kingdom of God is measured in terms of obedience’

John Stott

3. Act

The Kingdom of God is about God’s love, justice and truth ruling our hearts and lives. What areas of your life are challenged by this?

4. Pray

  • For anything that God has spoken to you about in this session, especially from section 3

  • People on your prayer list

John Walford

John Walford is the Senior Minister at Bishop’s Stortford Baptist Church.


Session One: Kingdom Life


Session Three: Kingdom Power