Session Three: Kingdom Power

In this session, we’ll explore:

  • Who is the Holy Spirit?

  • What difference does He make to our lives?

  • How does He change us?

‘Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing. We are as ships without wind. We are useless.’

Charles Spurgeon

1. Reflect

When you think about the Holy Spirit what images and ideas come into your mind?

2. Read

John 14:15–27 (New Living Translation)

  1. Having read the passage, do your ideas about the Holy Spirit match up with what Jesus tells us?

  2. What picture does Jesus paint of the Holy Spirit? Can you pick out His attributes from Jesus’ teaching?

  3. What does this passage tell us about the connection between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and us?

  4. Read John 16:7-15. What does Jesus teach us here about the importance of the Holy Spirit?

  5. Read Romans 8:1-17. What do you think Paul means when he speaks about the sinful nature?

  6. What does Paul tell us that the presence of the Holy Spirit means in our lives?

Need help? Here are some hints…

2. He is one like Jesus i.e. of the same kind and substance. Advocate comes from a Greek word meaning one called alongside to help. He points us to Jesus and His teaching.

3. Verses 18, 19, 20, 21, 23 and 24 each say something about the relationship between the Father, Son and Spirit, and with us.

4. The Spirit brings people to a conviction of their sin, an understanding of what righteousness is, and the knowledge that sin will be wiped away (verses 8–11). He will guide us into truth.

6. God does not condemn us for our sins once we have been forgiven (verses 1–2). If we let the Spirit transform our thinking we will have life and peace (verse 6). He enables us to have eternal life (verse 10). His presence shows that we have been adopted into God’s family and are his heirs (verses 14–17).

‘Religion can reform a person’s life, but it can never transform him. Only the Holy Spirit can transform!’

Jonathan Edwards

3. Act

  • If you have already committed to following Jesus: Make a list of people that matter to you who have not yet become followers of Jesus themselves

  • f you are still considering whether to become a follower of Jesus: make a list of people that matter to you who you want to receive God’s blessing

4. Pray

  • Pray for the people on the list

  • Pray about the things that you have learned in this session

  • Pray about anything significant that is happening in your life (either for yourself or someone else)

John Walford

John Walford is the Senior Minister at Bishop’s Stortford Baptist Church.


Session Two: What is the Kingdom?


Session Four: Family